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Bulb II

3.59/5 (81 votes)
Downloads : 17543
donwloadUploaded on 1/12/01
Description: This animated short is the sequel to Bulb, continuing the story as another light bulb headed robot comes across the remains of a broken companion. This short film was animated in 2001 by Ryan Foss on his home PC. Original musical score by Nando Florestan.
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shl on 17 February 2002
I am a student of Taiwan.
It very important about meaning if the film
Leslie on 13 February 2002
Enjoying to watch....I was at the edge of my seat waiting to see what was going to happen.
Great A.I. type of feel to it.
Can't wait for Bulb III :-)
junkyard3d on 12 December 2001
Beautiful animation, lighting, and flow. An improvement in overall ability is evident compared to Bulb. The story holds some deeper meaning, almost ambiguous, but says so much without saying anything really. When Bulb III?
pixelwks on 3 December 2001
The modeling, lighting and animation are beautiful. It’s very professional in all aspects except a weak story.

The robot model is very good. Great work.