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Prey Alone

3.94/5 (114 votes)
Downloads : 24338
donwloadUploaded on 15/3/05
High octane Action/Thriller. A cracking story shot entirely green screen. With over 350 effect shots. All created by a few guys in Ireland on their home PC’s.

Special Agent Darris Cain is on the hunt for an elusive fugitive. His only leads are a reluctant witness held in a military prison and the words “prey alone” written in a notebook.
Can Cain track him down and discover the true identity of the mysterious criminal?

The chase is on!

New : the whole movie is now available @ in the 'Mpegs' section
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Matt on 27 July 2005
We now have the full movie in hi-res (640x480 pixels). You can see it along with lots of other stuff at page:

Happy viewing,

Matt on 14 July 2005
We are trying to get permission to host the full short on bubblewap's site. At the moment I'm building a review of the film to go into our 'Artist's Revew' section. Keep checking the bubblewap.TV web site and I'm sure it will be there at some point.
Dazabrit on 21 June 2005
I have tried to use eDonkey to retrieve the MPEG of this fantastic looking short film but it simply isn't finding any sources for the download. Can someone help me. I have been looking for this short for the last 48 hours and it has been very frustrating. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

OMERZEN©2005 on 28 April 2005
Gayeten güzel bir film olmuş...
Yoksa oyun mu desem. euheuhuehue

evdeki bilgisayarlarla bunu yapabiliyolarsa helal valla bu İrandalılara..
MaineCoon on 28 April 2005
Apparently jonny3d was linking to a file here... which has since been pulled? So now nobody has it for download! Excellent movie, lets not let this great short disappear! Bring it back, please!
Saiful on 27 March 2005