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3.93/5 (225 votes)
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Hariel, the Earth bound angel, undertakes a daring rescue mission that will earn him his wings and reunite him with a loyal companion if completed. This short animation is the artist's senior project at the Savannah College of Art and Design.
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boris007 on 7 November 2002
This movie is incredibly good.
I love the music. Remember some Matrix sequence.
That's a must. Don't miss it.
Wait new stuff.
tav on 31 July 2002
just a quick note to let everyone know that you can check out more work at my recently completed website:
Alex on 11 June 2002
Very very well animated.

Great little short with a very sweet ending.
Without a doubt Tav, you've got some great skills. Looking very much forward to your next work.

Good stuff!
Jonao on 18 May 2002
Ack! Matrix ripoffs, crummy ending, and animation needed a little finesse. Walk cycles were too stiff, and cameras needed some more ease in/out.
StrgKid on 30 April 2002
I liked it. Action mixed with drama. The best part is that the person his was saving was his dog. More of a chick flick (corny) but the animation is amazing.
Army of Losers on 14 April 2002
Yeah, right. A well-armed man ruthlessly murders a dozen men to rescue his bitch. That's so sweeeeeet. No tragedy here!
Mani on 14 April 2002
That ending was so sweet. Not every short film has to be full of tragedy and angst.

The film was great, with a few minor audio/visual nitpickings I can easily overlook.
Astro on 7 April 2002
Groan! The caption is more fascinating than this flick's cornball ending. Tav, you get an 8 instead of a zero because you have talent. Work on it.
ARHBAma19 on 1 April 2002
I think it's great!!! I love all of this mans work.