Duration : 4:30

Downloads : 75910

When a couple of Martians arrive to the Earth, the landscape in front of their eyes ise very familiar... Did they really arrive to the Earth?. He said yes, but she say no... who tell the truth? An amazing history, filmed in the beautifull National Park of Las Cañadas del Teide, in the Canary Islands, with a friendly 3d characters walking in the unknown... ;)

on 5 June 2008
I love it!
I love it!
on 5 April 2003
nice little flick that makes my nino laugh so thats already a big pointer pour les francais vien voir ce petite bijou
nice little flick that makes my nino laugh so thats already a big pointer pour les francais vien voir ce petite bijou
on 28 January 2003
An excellent short. Great visuals, audio and effects as well as a good and humorous story. I found myself watching it over many times. It left me wishing the author had made a full length film. Felicitation, and keep up the good work.
An excellent short. Great visuals, audio and effects as well as a good and humorous story. I found myself watching it over many times. It left me wishing the author had made a full length film. Felicitation, and keep up the good work.
on 13 December 2002
¡¡¡ JE JE JE!!! Felicidades Deep... Eres un monstruo.. No sé si azul o no... pero eres un monstruo...
¡¡¡ JE JE JE!!! Felicidades Deep... Eres un monstruo.. No sé si azul o no... pero eres un monstruo...
on 11 November 2002
Gracias a todos, ademas de comentaros que el corto ha resultado vencedor en el 1er Festival Internacional de Animacion de Tenerife. www.teiaf.com
Thanks a lot for all guys. I must tell you about my shotfilm. it is the winner at the 1st International Animation Festival of Tenerife. www.teiaf.com
Gracias a todos, ademas de comentaros que el corto ha resultado vencedor en el 1er Festival Internacional de Animacion de Tenerife. www.teiaf.com
Thanks a lot for all guys. I must tell you about my shotfilm. it is the winner at the 1st International Animation Festival of Tenerife. www.teiaf.com
on 1 November 2002
Como he dicho en otra parte, una pequeña gran obra. Felicidades.
Como he dicho en otra parte, una pequeña gran obra. Felicidades.
on 28 October 2002
Very Very funny! I loved it.
Very Very funny! I loved it.
on 27 October 2002
Que bueno!!
Mas! quiero mas!
Que bueno!!
Mas! quiero mas!
on 21 October 2002
What a superb piece of work! Great characterisation and backdrops make this animation stand out. Of seriously high quality.
What a superb piece of work! Great characterisation and backdrops make this animation stand out. Of seriously high quality.
on 18 October 2002
dis iz grt, loved it, keep up da gr wrk.
dis iz grt, loved it, keep up da gr wrk.