3.84/5 (184 votes)
Duration : 1:02
Downloads : 54031
Uploaded on 22/9/00
The first of the Budweiser's Wassup TV ads.
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on 25 July 2006
To all my people who still has a sense of humour..
To all my people who still has a sense of humour..
on 3 June 2001
Yeah! Same thing like Voxxer. NOW it's REALLY funny. ;)
Yeah! Same thing like Voxxer. NOW it's REALLY funny. ;)
on 3 February 2001
It's a drug.....
and I'm not talking about the beer :)
It's a drug.....
and I'm not talking about the beer :)
on 21 January 2001
First now I understand that part in Scary movie :)
First now I understand that part in Scary movie :)
on 16 January 2001
Just checking it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just checking it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!