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Men In Black 2

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donwloadUploaded on 2/1/02
The MIB2 (Men In Black 2) Trailer.
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vickyjan14 on 21 February 2010
You know what i love this movie its like i dont even know what to say,you see i love will smith and ill make sure i mate him face to face even if his older and onether thing is ill make sure ill be an acter i will visit charmed characters who is,brue,phibie and piper.Thats all if you have anything men in black just contact me coz i love you so much say hallo to jay and kay thats all.
zxzxz on 5 July 2003
Yu-Gi-Oh! on 8 April 2003
Da movie rawkz! what more can i say? Agent Jay is da man! if only i was in the movie, we could duel with aliens!
Rodger rabbit on 10 February 2003
Its Exelante
carsega on 19 September 2002
Only excellence
MIB Chibi Goten on 9 September 2002
MIIB rocks on! it was 1 hell of a wicked film, member yall 2 keep it jiggy like Will Smith.

C-Spar on 9 August 2002
Very cool
imran on 11 July 2002
this site is the best
Liz on 7 July 2002
Spidermas is very good
REDBOY on 4 July 2002
I want to see this movie more then anythink.
Pesr on 2 July 2002
It´s marvelous!!!
Harry on 30 June 2002
i have seen the clip at the cinema its good but when will be able to download it.
Pan_Chan on 6 June 2002
Dammmmmmn!!! Men In Black 2 is definately gonna kick ass ^_^ i saw the second trailer to the movie and it's da creme de la creme, ya heard! btw Will Smith rawks and Tommy Lee Jones is stella, they're definately the best of the best of the best! ^_~
Ali G on 7 May 2002
Me rekons this is gonna be a wicked film, even me unkle Jamal finks so. When it comes out, I is takin me Julie up the wrong 'en to see it.

Is it 'cus me is Men In Black?
swahiliguy on 3 April 2002
Will Smith ni ng'ombe sana? Hiii Film inakaa u-doo tu!!!
pasheco on 2 April 2002
i liked ..... looks cool the 2nd part ...
Bolloks to it! on 13 March 2002
You all suck balls
go and die!
batman on 18 February 2002
i think that it is true that in most cases that the first is better that the second but i think this one is the movie that is going to change that say and spit all over it twice over men in black 2 rocks will smith rulz
greer on 26 January 2002
I loved the first MIB and loved it this looks pretty good as well but it proberbly won't be better than the first
lets see though
Galeno on 17 January 2002
Esperaba algo más, la verdad, es casi igual que la primera parte.
Me on 9 January 2002
i fink that vis film wil b fat. reeeeeeeeeeespect.
Russ on 7 January 2002
I saw a MIB2 trailer a few weeks ago, but it was really a fan trailer in disguise. Damm thing made me angry for downloading it.

This is not a fan trailer!
exkillo on 6 January 2002
Same as the first MIB.
declon on 5 January 2002
I havent seen this trailer yet as I am stil downloading it but I wanted to be the first to say something.
There,Ive said it :o)